Although a Command Line Interface (CLI) terminal is stronger than a graphical user interface (GUI) and is often much more powerful, it is often used because people do not take time to learn at less or they are afraid to dive into the command because of a Type and you may be some mess in your system.
Fortunately, not all commands are scary. In this piece, we will show you ten commands that you can do with a terminal that you can now have, or in future
Terminal commands for Mac OS X |
1. Check server response
Ping is probably a more useful terminal command that a daily Mac user could actually use. This command checks the response to a domain or IP address, such as "" and how quickly it takes to know the server's response. To run a pin command, you enter the following in the terminal: ping
Notice that you can replace the URL of the URL you want or use an IP address instead.
2. Disable screenshot shadows
You can toggle the screen shadows off easily when you take a screenshot of a specific window in your Mac using the following commands: defaults write disable-shadow -bool TRUE
Does this command change the Boolean variables by changing the drop shadows from Screen Capture configuration files from your Mac to false with the fact that the shadows are no longer displayed.
killall SystemUIServer
It will restart your Mac's important services to save your changes.
If you want to re-enable the drop shadows in your screenshots, you can resume the above commands, instead of "FALSE" instead of "TRUE"
3. Show hidden files in Finder
The terminal provides an easy way to show all the hidden files in the Finder. This is done with the following command: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -bool TRUE
After making this change, you will need to restart the searcher, which can be done with the following command:
killall Finder
Now, when using Finder to search for files, even files that are usually hidden to protect you from irregular changes that could harm your system, appear.
Instead of changing "TRUE" instead of "FALSE" you can hide the hidden files by repeating the above commands
4. Make your Mac say anything you want
You can use the terminal to tell what your Mac can do. If you want to tell your mac aloud then you can use the "say" command, follow what you want your mac to say. Here's an example: say "Hi iDownloadBlog, Terminal says hello."
In this example, what your Mac defaults to using the system's voice is just what the quote says.
5. Keep your Mac from falling asleep
The terminal brings a way to make your Mac sleep, show submissions, or screen saver. Simply use the following command: caffeinate
If you use this command, your Mac will work exactly as Starbucks drinks a venti-size coffee. You can specify the deadline for the command only to be active for a temporary period. To do this, add the "-t" flag, after a few seconds you want to enable the feature, such as:
caffeinate -t 150000
In this example, our Mac must be awake for 150,000 seconds, and after that period, the command will be automatically disabled. You can press Control + C to decrease the command at any time.
6. View and clear your Terminal command history
If you want to see that the terminal commands in the past have written to you, fortunately, the terminal keeps a history and you can always check again with the following commands: history
Once you have entered it, the commands you have used or others can use it by using your Mac makes it easy to copy and paste long commands that you have previously written that you do not feel like typing again.
If you want to delete your command history from the terminal, you can only use the following command:
history -c
After entering this command, your history will be deleted and you will not be able to find your command line history.
7. Stress test your Mac
If you suspect that your Mac fans are not doing the right thing or can not do it according to your system's needs, then you can test your processor using the following command using the following command: yes > /dev/null &
If you have a multi-core Mac, you have to type the command several times with the number of angles you have before you can hit the return. For example, if you have four cores, you should type 4 commands in a row before returning the return, for example:
yes > /dev/null & yes > /dev/null & yes > /dev/null & yes /dev/null &
You can crack your Mac so that you can activate the monitor as a bonus to start your CPU structure. You can end the stress test at any time with the following command:
killall yes
If you suspect that you have a faulty fan, it's a good time to hear for grinding. In addition, it can be used to see whether your process is shining very quickly when it should be able to load more of your locale.
8. Enable an iOS-like power chime when connected to power
Your Mac is usually silent when you plug it into a power source when your iOS devices voice the chamber when you point them out. With this terminal, you can enable this feature of your Mac as well as the following commands: defaults write ChimeOnAllHardware -bool TRUE;
open /System/Library/CoreServices/ &
Now after tapping the return key, the chamber will be enabled. You can disable silence with the following commands at any time:
defaults write ChimeOnAllHardware -bool FALSE;
killall PowerChime
If the power connection is connected, it's a nice little audiotape that you hear, but it does not actually adhere to it or not.
9. Check for macOS updates more often
To check the OS X and update of your Mac App Store application on a weekly basis, but you can change it with a terminal. For example, if you want to update your Mac daily for updates, enter the following command: defaults write ScheduleFrequency -int 1
You can change the integer in any quantity - the number represents the number of days that will wait for your Mac to check for updates, so if you want to go back to the default weekly check, then you would use the following command:
defaults write ScheduleFrequency -int 7
Now, your important application updates and MacOS updates can be updated more frequently than ever before.
10. Set your Mac’s screensaver as the wallpaper
If you are in the mood for some eye candy, then you can temporarily set your current screen box as your Mac wallpaper with the following fun and quirky commands: /System/Library/Frameworks/ScreenSaver.framework/Resources/
/Contents/MacOS/ScreenSaverEngine -background
As long as the command is running, the current screen space on your desktop wallpaper will be created. If you close the terminal application or use Control + C shortcut, the wallpaper will return to normal.
A Terminal is a very useful tool for Macs used by Mac users. Sometimes MacOS 'system preference apps can give users all the options they need to access, and a great way to make a user really take control of their systems and change their own preferences. In addition, it does solve the problem and makes a great tool for execution, not just customizing thingsIf you found this tutorial helpful, let us know the comments below.